
Map Name: :  "Captive Honour"
CTF level for Quake2
By Eric "sherminator" Sherman

Version: 9/29/03

Thanks to Maric for the use of his tread editor, and the great mapping tutorial which i learned to edit from. 
ID Software for Quake2
Most of the textures are from PlanetQuake

Built  with Tread editor
Terrain built with Nem's mega 3d Terrain Generator
Lighting by Arghrad
Build machine  900 athlon w/Radeon 64mb ddr vivo

Build info:
about a month
compile time 75 hr.  on P3-450

Just unzip to baseq2 or ctf folders and it will install itself.

Quake2 is Copyright (C) 1997 by ID Software Inc. all rights reserved
"sherm_ctf4" is copyright (C) 2003 by Eric"sherminator" Sherman

Thanks and i hope you enjoy the map.
