Map Name:	"Cursed Opposition"
CTF level for Quake 2
by Rob "Panzer" Berwick

Files:	panzer_ctf1.bsp /panzer_ctf1.txt/
Contact:	panzer@quakequad.com


Version:	22 October, 2002



* QERadiant for the easiest to learn/use level editor I've ever encountered.
* ID Software, of course, for Quake 2.
* RUST- for the plethora of info provided :  http://www.gamedesign.net 
* Thanks to Maric and Musashi for all of their help and tutoring as well as the rest of 
  PSC Clan (TheBigGuy, Joker...too many to list here...you're all tops!!!)
* The textures were converted from Sock's custom Q3 texture set.


 Single Player:		No  
 Deathmatch:		Not unless I convert part of the map at a later date
 CTF:				Yeah baby!
 Cooperative:		Nope
 Difficulty Settings:	Nope
 Base System:		Athlon XP 1500 
 Player load: 		6 to 16...there's a lot of ground to cover in this one ;)


 Build Time:		50 hours
 Utilities Used:		QERadiant
				Mountain Dew

 Build Machine(s):	same as above
 Final Compile Machine:	"    "      "
 QBSP3:			Unknown
 QVIS3 :                Unknown
 QRAD3 :                Unknown
 Total Compile Time:	7 hours
 Known Bugs: nope... errrrr... uhhh... just don't fall 


 If you got this zip file intact just aim this puppy at your Quake2
 folder and let go.
 A lot of help came from Musashi and Maric in fixing some problems with this map.  I couldn't
 have completed it without their help.  As you can see when you fire it up, it's an egyptian
 themed map.  The map may favor long range shooters but will not be any more advantageous to 
 snipers/campers than anyone else.  The item placement may not be perfect and there isn't a 
 lot of health lying around.  I may make some changes in the future, but for now, this map will
 be running on a Railwarz style server with all items removed and only the railgun for a weapon.
 I hope you enjoy the map as much as I enjoyed creating it.  The build time is 50 hours, but 
 it took over 2 months from the time I started it to get to this release.  If you have any 
 comments of find any bugs, please let me know by emailing panzer@quakequad.com  Thanks for 
 playing and supporting the Quake 2 community.



"panzer_ctf1 & "Cursed Opposition"  is Copyright (c) 2002 by Rob Berwick
Quake 2 is Copyright (c) 1997 by ID Software Inc.  All rights reserved.
The Quake 2 logo and likenesses are trademarks of ID Software Inc.
All artwork including 3D models, textures, and skins is the exclusive
property of ID software.  

You may distribute this map on the internet, on a network or other electronic
medium where it can be obtained for FREE, i strongly urge you to pass along this 
text file so that folks can see the time i put into typing it. That said just don't put 
it on any Cd for distribution without first informing me at panzer@quakequad.com

Please don't use this map as a base for building other maps likewise: 
You may NOT convert this .bsp file into a .map file or reverse engineer it in any 

Thanks:  Panzer